phat thai in Carbondale is thrilled to announce the next in a regular series of (irregularly scheduled) events that highlight wine, spirit and beermakers, and focus on all else that’s great about sharing the table with good friends, food & drink

Wednesday May 31, 2017  @ 7pm, join Marble Distilling Company for an evening featuring five cocktails from Marble Distilling Company with five courses from our kitchen and an infinite and immeasurable amount of fun and revelry.

All priced at $55per.

Seating is limited and these things can sell out quickly. Please call 970.963.7001 for more information about this event, as well as a coveted reservation.


Marble Distilling Company captures the heart and soul of Colorado with their handcrafted spirits because the heart and soul of family is the driving force behind their small batch distillery.

It all started with two mountain families. One from the heart of the Colorado Rockies and one from the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.

These in-laws weren’t the feuding type… rather they bonded together over a combined passion for crafting spirits the old fashioned way.  With sheer determination and perseverance, they built an artisan distillery where water & energy conservation for environmental sustainability is a daily practice.

Inspired by the pioneers of Marble, Colorado, local distiller, Connie Baker is continuing the Colorado tradition of creating something extraordinary utilizing Colorado’s natural resources.

phat thai is thrilled to partner with Marble Distilling Company during their 2nd Anniversary week of festivities. We are excited to showcase some new innovative cocktails with a “phat-flair”.

for more information about Marble Distilling Company: